Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall Festivities!

Since Halloween is our FAVORITE time of year, Matt, John, Rob, and Nason have all created a tattoo (valued at about $200) that will be raffled off for $50!!  Exciting, right??  SO, in order to win a $200 piece for $50.... you need to stop in the shop, and put your name and info into the drawing for the tattoo or tattoos you'd like to win!!  Each artist's work is hanging at the shop...... and yes, you can put your name in for all four tattoo designs, they are that awesomely AWESOME!!

SUCH a busy month..... make sure you check out and comment on our Facebook Note for this month's giveaway, it's the ONLY way to enter and win! ALSO, we're doing $30 Breast Cancer Ribbons all month long.   And since you all know it's the Quakertown Alive Harvest Festival Time!! So come see us Oct 22nd for food and fun!