Tuesday, February 14, 2012


All of us here at Lucky Strike Tattoo would like to extend a HUGE CONGRATS to fellow tattoo artist Matt Nasty and manager Miss Larissa for their FIRST PLACE AWARD for Female Full Sleeve at the 2012 Philadelphia Tattoo Convention!!  We couldn't be more proud!

Matt and Larissa Convention Day!

First Place Female Full Sleeve Philadelphia Tattoo Convention 2012!

GiveAway: Zombie Bowling/Zombie Chocolates - Drawing February 29th!!!

Because nothing says love like rotting flesh!

Ever find yourself bored playing the same video games? Hell, all that strain on your eyes, thumb cramping and possible siezure activity from flashing cut scenes! If only there was a game to play with much less of a risk to your health........ a throw back to the olden days with HUMAN CONTACT........... before Modern Warfare, Call of Duty and ALL the Online MMO's.

Well, we found a game that encourages human interaction and moving your butt outta the gaming chair! ZOMBIE BOWLING!! It sets up on a table or your hardwood floor in seconds. The handcrafted wooden pins are painted to look like zombies. Roll the miniature bowling balls to knock them down. It's just like a video game, except it's real, man. IT'S REAL!

And since it's February, we wanna ask: WILL YOU BE OUR VALENTINE? We bought you a box of Dark Chocolate Zombie Heads filled with braaaains... cherry cordial brains to be exact.

                                  If this doesn't scream love, what does?

  • For Ages 4 and Up

  • WARNING: Small parts. Not intended for children under 3 years of age.

  • A zombie themed tabletop bowling game for two players

  • Easy to learn and fun to play for all ages

  • Features 2 miniature bowling balls and 10 miniature bowling pins

  • Bowling pins are handcrafted from wood and painted to look like zombies

  • Knock over the zombie pins without knocking down the king pin

    Alrighty...... so here's how it goes: On the first of every month, Lucky Strike Tattoo shall be posting on Facebook and Twitter information on the giveaway prize. Our goal is to giveaway something different each month.... and to make it fun! YOU must be a friend/fan/follower of Lucky Strike Tattoo to be eligible for any drawing. If you are not our friend or do not follow us your name will NOT be entered. Entries will be accepted up until the day before the drawing. So remember..... 30 days has September, April, June and November.....all the rest have 31..... except for Feb. The winner(s) of the drawing will be announced on Lucky Strike Tattoo's Facebook and Twitter page. It is YOUR responsibility to check our pages at the end of the month to see if you have won. You will have seven days to collect your prize (or least contact us and make arrangements to collect your prize), before we draw another name and give it to someone else. If you live WITHIN a 2hour radius of our shop, you must come pick the prize up in person. To our friends and followers out of state..... if you win, you have 7days to provide us with your address so that we may mail it to you. *Lucky Strike Tattoo cannot be held responsible/liable for any situations/incidents that might occur with any item we giveaway!* Really..... we just want to have fun with this and not take it TOO seriously. If you have any questions about what we're trying to do.... send us a message or leave your question below and we'll answer ya back. To follow us on Twitter: LUCKYSTRIKETAT2